Current Lab Members

Matthew Maurano

Assistant Professor
Institute for Systems Genetics & Dept. of Pathology
NYU Medical Center

Colleen McLoughlin

Research Associate
Prior: Bergelson Lab, NYU

Raquel Moya

Postdoctoral Fellow
(Joint with the Tsien lab)

Raquel Ordoñez Ciriza

Postdoctoral Fellow

Prior: Prósper and Agirre labs, Navarra, Spain

André M. Ribeiro-dos-Santos

Postdoctoral Fellow

Prior: de Souza lab, Brazil and Ren Lab, UCSD

Former Lab Members

Chloe Palumbo

Research Associate (2023)

Nerea Berastegui Zufiaurre

Visiting PhD Student (Foundry Fellow, 2023)

Prior: PhD Student, CIMA-University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Milosz Majewski

Visiting PhD Student

Prior: Maastricht University, Netherlands

Gwen Ellis

Research Assistant (2021-2023)

Prior: Wasser Lab, Eichler Lab, Univ. of Washington
Last known position: PhD Student, University of Vermont

Hannah Ashe

Technician (2021-2023)

Prior: Univ. of Virginia
Last known position: Medical Student, University of Maryland

Ran Brosh

Senior Research Scientist
(Joint with Boeke lab)

Prior: PhD, Rotter Lab, Weizmann Institute;
postdoc Ihor Lemischka lab, MSSM
Last known position: Boeke Lab, NYU

Megan Hogan

Senior Research Scientist (2016-2021)

Prior: PhD, Spector Lab, CSHL
Last known position: Opentrons

Emily Huang

Technician (2018-2021)

Prior: Christiaen Lab, NYU
Last known position: Clinical and Population Analyst, Highmark Health

Angela Hitchcock

Technician (2019-2021)

Prior: Tessier-Lavigne Lab, Stanford
Last known position: Medical Student, UCSF

Raven Luther

Technician (2017-2021)

Prior: Nason Lab, Iowa State; IDT
Last known position: BlueRock Therapeutics

John Cadley

Scientific Programmer (2018-2021)
Last known position: MSKCC NextGen Analytics

Nick Vulpescu

Scientific Programmer (2017-2020)

Prior: Ghedin Lab, NYU
Last known position: PhD Student, Velculescu Lab, Johns Hopkins, Human Genetics

Brianna Berrios

Rotation Student (2020)

Will Egan

Summer Student (Summer 2020)
NYU Center for Data Science

Nora Gilligan

Intern (Summer 2019)

NYU Computer Science / Math / French

Stepan Grinek

Postdoctoral Fellow (2019)
Project: Efficient approaches for statistical fine mapping

Prior: Brinkman Lab, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada

James Schull

Summer Student (Summer 2018)
Computer Science, Stanford

Brandon Mannion

PhD student, NYU Sackler Systems and Computational Biomedicine

Last known position: Pennacchio/Visel Lab, LBNL, UC Berkeley

Jesper Maag

Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)

Prior: PhD, Dinger Lab, Garvan Institute, Sydney
Last known position: Principal Bioinformatics Scientist at Remix Therapeutics

Nich Mamrak

Rotation Student (2018)

Prior: Howlett Lab, Univ. of Rhode Island

Aidan Reilly

SURP student (Summer 2017)
Computer Science, Johns Hopkins

Prior: Langmead Lab, JHU

Maia Stoicovici

Intern (Summer 2017)
NYU Tandon Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Yun Yan

Masters Student (Summer 2016)
Computer Science, NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Last known position: PhD Student, MD Anderson Cancer Center


Our neighbors include the Institute for Systems Genetics, the Center for Human Genetics and Genomics and our colleagues in the Department of Pathology.


May 2024
Raquel Ordoñez's paper on enhancer swapping at the Igf2/H19 and Sox2 loci has published in Molecular Cell.

March 2024
Raquel Moya has posted a preprint on the CACNA1C intron 3 repeat, in collaboration with the Tsien lab. Raquel will also be defending her thesis this month!

March 2023
Our manuscript using synthetic regulatory genomics to show how enhancers work together at Sox2 has been published in Molecular Cell.

January 2022
A paper co-first authored by former lab member Nick Vulpescu on finding target genes of GWAS loci has been accepted at Human Genetics. Nick is now doing a PhD in the Velculescu lab at JHU. A second paper, Analysis of genomic context sensitivity, by Andre, Megan, Raven, and Ran has been accepted for publication in Genome Research.